30-Gallon Tank

   A convenient tank can be made by installing a faucet into the bottom of a 30-gallon trash can. I used a plastic can, although I'm sure a metal one could be made to work. I am sure there are many ways to do this, but this photo shows how I did it with common off-the shelf plumbing hardware. The “O” rings are not real obvious in this photo, but they were essential immediately inside and outside the plastic to make a good seal.

   By using this tank, smaller containers can be used to haul water to replenish a common supply. Individual or multiple users can then keep this supply replenished as they run their respective errands. The positioning of this tank can greatly enhance the convenience of an emergency camp.

   As resources improve and acquisition of water becomes easier, several such tanks could be developed for different tasks – such as bathing or gardening.